Welche Audioformate kann die SpeechExec-Software abspielen, aufzeichnen oder konvertieren?
Die SpeechExec-Software unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Audioformaten, die für unterschiedliche Anwendungen und Bedürfnisse geeignet sind. Diese Formate umfassen unter anderem:
- WAV: Dieses unkomprimierte Audioformat bietet eine hohe Klangqualität und wird häufig für die professionelle Sprachaufzeichnung verwendet. Es ist ideal für Anwendungen, bei denen die Audioqualität von größter Bedeutung ist, wie beispielsweise in der medizinischen Diktation oder im juristischen Bereich.
- MP3: Dieses weit verbreitete komprimierte Audioformat ist bekannt für seine Effizienz in Bezug auf Dateigröße und Klangqualität. MP3-Dateien sind leicht zu speichern und zu übertragen, was sie zu einer beliebten Wahl für die Aufnahme und Verbreitung von Diktaten und anderen Audioinhalten macht.
- DS2: Ein proprietäres Format, das speziell für die Sprachaufnahme entwickelt wurde. DS2 bietet eine hohe Komprimierung bei gleichzeitiger Beibehaltung einer guten Audioqualität, was es zu einer bevorzugten Wahl für professionelle Diktiergeräte macht.
- WMA: Das Windows Media Audio-Format bietet eine gute Klangqualität bei relativ kleinen Dateigrößen. Es ist besonders nützlich für Benutzer, die in einer Windows-Umgebung arbeiten und Audioinhalte effizient verwalten möchten.
Diese Formate ermöglichen es den Benutzern, ihre Audioinhalte flexibel zu verwalten, sei es durch das Abspielen, Aufzeichnen oder Konvertieren in andere Formate, je nach den individuellen Anforderungen und Vorlieben. Die Unterstützung dieser verschiedenen Formate macht die SpeechExec-Software zu einem vielseitigen Werkzeug für professionelle Anwender, die auf hochwertige Sprachaufnahmen angewiesen sind.
Darüber hinaus finden Sie weitere spezifische Audioformate, die in der nachstehenden Tabelle aufgelistet sind.
Format name | Extension |
Sample rate Hz |
Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
Standard Play | DSS | 12000 | 14 | 522.240 | |
Long Play mobile | DSS | 8000 | 6 | 321.504 | |
Quality Play | DS2 | 16000 | 27 | 1.067.520 | |
PCM 8 kHz | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 128 | 4.815.078 |
PCM 11 kHz | WAV | 11025 | 16 | 176 | 6.636.278 |
PCM 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 16 | 352 | 13.272.198 |
WAV | 8000 | 4 | 32 | 1.163.624 |
CCITT A-law 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 8 | 64 | 2.407.718 |
CCITT u-law 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 8 | 64 | 2.407.718 |
GSM 6.10 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 13 | 489.356 | |
GSM 6.10 11 kHz |
WAV | 11025 | 17 | 674.280 | |
Philips CELP 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 19 | 722.568 | |
Philips CELP 16 kHz | WAV | 16000 | 19 | 722.616 | |
Philips LPC-BB | WAV | 16000 | 32 | 1.204.120 |
To change the format click the Audio settings button.
Click on Recording and select Configure
In the Select Audio Format dialog you can select the type of file (.dss or .wav) you want to store your recording. The type of file you select defines the format options available. When you select a format, the available attributes that can be selected for that format are listed below.
Format name |
Extension |
Sample rate Hz |
Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
Standard Play | DSS | 12000 | 14 | 522.240 | |
Long Play mobile | DSS | 8000 | 6 | 341.504 | |
Quality Play | DS2 | 16000 | 27 | 1.067.520 | |
CCITT A-Law 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 8 | 64 | 2.407.718 |
CCITT u-Law 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 8 | 64 | 2.407.718 |
GSM 6.10 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 13 | 489.356 | |
GSM 6.10 11 kHz |
WAV | 11000 | 17 | 674.280 | |
WAV | 8000 | 4 | 32 | 1.163.624 |
Philips LPCBB | WAV | 8000 | 97 | 3.656.782 | |
PCM 8 kHz | WAV | 16000 | 8 | 64 | 2.407.718 |
PCM 11 kHz | WAV | 11025 | 8 | 88 | 3.318.318 |
PCM 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 8 | 176 | 6.636.278 |
PCM 44 kHz | WAV | 44100 | 8 | 352 | 13.272.198 |
PCM 8 kHz | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 128 | 4.814.078 |
PCM 11 kHz | WAV | 11025 | 16 | 176 | 6.636.278 |
PCM 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 16 | 352 | 13.272.198 |
PCM 44 kHz | WAV | 44100 | 16 | 705 | 26.544.038 |
Philips CELP 8 kHz |
WAV | 8000 | 19 | 722.568 | |
Philips CELP 16 kHz |
WAV | 16000 | 19 | 722.616 | |
Philips CELP FB | WAV | 16000 | 32 | 1.204.120 | |
Speech ADPCM 16 kHz | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 64 | 2.407.878 |
Philips Speex 2144 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 2 | 81.212 |
Philips Speex 3944 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 3 | 148.892 |
Philips Speex 5944 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 5 | 224.092 |
Philips Speex 8000 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 8 | 301.292 |
Philips Speex 11000 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 11 | 414.138 |
Philips Speex 15000 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 15 | 564.598 |
Philips Speex 18200 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 18 | 684.966 |
Philips Speex 24600 | WAV | 8000 | 16 | 24 | 925.702 |
Philips Speex 3944 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 3 | 148.892 |
Philips Speex 5744 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 5 | 216.572 |
Philips Speex 7744 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 7 | 291.772 |
Philips Speex 9800 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 9 | 369.000 |
Philips Speex 12800 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 12 | 481.876 |
Philips Speex 16800 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 16 | 632.346 |
Philips Speex 20600 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 20 | 775.242 |
Philips Speex 23800 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 23 | 895.610 |
Philips Speex 27800 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 27 | 1.046.070 |
Philips Speex 34200 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 34 | 1.286.806 |
Philips Speex 42200 | WAV | 16000 | 16 | 42 | 1.587.726 |
Philips Speex 4144 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 4 | 156.412 |
Philips Speex 7544 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 7 | 284.252 |
Philips Speex 9544 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 9 | 359.452 |
Philips Speex 11600 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 11 | 436.736 |
Philips Speex 14600 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 14 | 549.552 |
Philips Speex 18600 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 18 | 700.012 |
Philips Speex 22400 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 22 | 843.004 |
Philips Speex 25600 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 25 | 963.380 |
Philips Speex 29600 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 29 | 1.113.850 |
Philips Speex 36000 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 36 | 1.354.602 |
Philips Speex 44000 | WAV | 32000 | 16 | 44 | 1.655.542 |
MP3 CBR - Constant Bit Rate |
Format name | Extension |
Sample rate Hz |
Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
MP3 32 | MP3 | 8000 | 32 | 1.205.280 | |
MP3 40 | MP3 | 16000 | 40 | 1.505.340 | |
MP3 48 | MP3 | 22050 | 48 | 1.806.054 | |
MP3 56 | MP3 | 24000 | 56 | 2.107.056 | |
MP3 64 | MP3 | 24000 | 64 | 2.408.256 | |
MP3 80 | MP3 | 32000 | 80 | 3.010.320 | |
MP3 96 | MP3 | 32000 | 96 | 3.612.384 | |
MP3 112 | MP3 | 44100 | 112 | 4.214.125 | |
MP3 128 | MP3 | 44100 | 128 | 4.816.142 | |
MP3 160 | MP3 | 44100 | 160 | 6.020.179 | |
MP3 192 | MP3 | 44100 | 192 | 7.224.214 | |
MP3 256 | MP3 | 44100 | 256 | 9.632.286 | |
MP3 320 | MP3 | 44100 | 320 | 12.040.358 | |
WMA CBR - Constant Bit Rate | |||||
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
WMA 12 | WMA | 8000 | 16 | 12 | 472.744 |
WMA 16 | WMA | 16000 | 16 | 16 | 637.074 |
WMA 20 | WMA | 16000 | 16 | 20 | 769,794 |
WMA 20 | WMA | 22050 | 16 | 20 | 784.512 |
WMA 22 | WMA | 22050 | 16 | 22 | 860.028 |
WMA 24 | WMA | 32000 | 16 | 24 | 936.013 |
WMA 32 | WMA | 22050 | 16 | 32 | 1.237.608 |
WMA 32 | WMA | 32000 | 16 | 32 | 1.238.221 |
WMA 32 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 32 | 1.239.016 |
WMA 40 | WMA | 32000 | 16 | 40 | 1.538.478 |
WMA 48 | WMA | 32000 | 16 | 48 | 1.840.302 |
WMA 48 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 48 | 1.845.446 |
WMA 64 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 64 | 2.444.240 |
WMA 64 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 64 | 2.443.838 |
WMA 80 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 80 | 3.047.556 |
WMA 96 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 96 | 3.650.872 |
WMA 96 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 96 | 3.653.260 |
WMA 128 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 128 | 4.857.504 |
WMA 128 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 128 | 4.860.804 |
WMA 160 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 160 | 6.064.136 |
WMA 160 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 160 | 6.067.464 |
WMA 192 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 192 | 7.270.768 |
WMA 192 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 192 | 7.274.124 |
WMA 256 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 256 | 9.684.032 |
WMA 256 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 256 | 9.688.380 |
WMA 320 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 320 | 12.097.296 |
WMA VBR - Variable Bit Rate | |||||
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
WMA 48 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 48 | 1.837.728 |
WMA 64 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 64 | 2.445.562 |
WMA 64 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 64 | 2.442.398 |
WMA 96 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 96 | 3.647.704 |
WMA 96 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 96 | 3.646.328 |
WMA 128 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 128 | 4.852.850 |
WMA 128 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 128 | 4.851.140 |
WMA 160 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 160 | 6.057.996 |
WMA 192 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 192 | 7.263.142 |
WMA 192 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 192 | 7.259.000 |
WMA Professional CBR (Constant Bit Rate) | |||||
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
WMA pro 32 | WMA | 32000 | 16 | 32 | 1.238.273 |
WMA pro 48 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 48 | 1.845.498 |
WMA pro 48 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 48 | 1.847.038 |
WMA pro 64 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 64 | 2.444.292 |
WMA pro 64 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 64 | 2.446.652 |
WMA pro 96 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 96 | 3.655.414 |
WMA pro 96 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 96 | 3.653.312 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 128 | 4.857.556 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 128 | 4.860.856 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 128 | 4.857.556 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 128 | 4.860.856 |
WMA pro 160 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 160 | 6.064.188 |
WMA pro 160 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 160 | 6.067.516 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 192 | 7.279.768 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 192 | 7.270.820 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 48000 | 16 | 192 | 7.274.176 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 192 | 7.274.176 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 192 | 7.279.768 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 192 | 7.274.176 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 256 | 9.696.004 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 256 | 9.696.004 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 256 | 9.688.380 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 256 | 9.696.004 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 256 | 9.699.334 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 384 | 14.528.476 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 384 | 14.515.904 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 384 | 14.528.476 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 384 | 14.532.319 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 440 | 16.643.089 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 440 | 16,628.664 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 440 | 16.622.624 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 440 | 16.628.664 |
WMA Professional VBR (Variable Bit Rate) | |||||
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
WMA pro 48 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 48 | 1.833.258 |
WMA pro 64 | WMA | 44100 | 16 | 64 | 2.439.606 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 128 | 4.852.902 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 128 | 4.851.192 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 128 | 4.823.022 |
WMA pro 128 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 128 | 4.851.192 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 192 | 7.227.402 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 192 | 7.217.937 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 192 | 7.155.818 |
WMA pro 192 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 192 | 7.119.261 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 256 | 9.303.966 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 256 | 9.273.450 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 256 | 9.292.046 |
WMA pro 256 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 256 | 9.163.910 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 384 | 12.207.478 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 384 | 12.087.806 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 384 | 11.957.382 |
WMA pro 384 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 384 | 12.005.731 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 44100 | 24 | 440 | 13.472.336 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 48000 | 24 | 440 | 13.433.136 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 88200 | 24 | 440 | 13.288.151 |
WMA pro 440 | WMA | 96000 | 24 | 440 | 13.320.306 |
WMA Voice CBR | |||||
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
WMA voice 4 | WMA | 8000 | 16 | 4 | 180.744 |
WMA voice 5 | WMA | 8000 | 16 | 5 | 224.966 |
WMA voice 8 | WMA | 8000 | 16 | 8 | 338.321 |
WMA voice 10 | WMA | 11025 | 16 | 10 | 404.641 |
WMA voice 12 | WMA | 16000 | 16 | 12 | 489.375 |
WMA voice 16 | WMA | 16000 | 16 | 16 | 639.794 |
WMA voice 20 | WMA | 22050 | 16 | 20 | 782.719 |
WMA files - choose for most situations. This is a widely used codec version 9.2 that provides high-quality sound at lower bit rates.
WMA Professional - choose when you want to compress high-resolution, multiple-channel audio created wit Microsoft Audio 10 Professional codec.
WMA Voice - choose when you want to compress audio that primarily contains human speech, created with Windows Media Audio Voice 9 codec.
These additional audio formats are recommended only for conversion because playback with SpeechExec Pro software is not supported for them. It might be useful to convert when finishing a dictation for later processing or if transcription is done within another software like VLC Player or foobar2000 or any other with ffmpeg support.
Format name | Extension | Sample rate Hz | Bits per sample |
Bitrate kbps |
Average file size 5min. (bytes) |
CCITT A-Law 11 kHz | WAV | 11025 | 8 | 88 | 3.318.318 |
CCITT A-Law 16 kHz | WAV | 16000 | 8 | 128 | 4.815.398 |
CCITT A-Law 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 8 | 176 | 6.636.278 |
CCITT A-Law 44 kHz | WAV | 44100 | 8 | 352 | 13.272.198 |
CCITT u-Law 11 kHz | WAV | 11000 | 8 | 88 | 3.318.318 |
CCITT u-Law 16 kHz | WAV | 16000 | 8 | 128 | 4.815.398 |
CCITT u-Law 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 8 | 176 | 6.636.278 |
CCITT u-Law 44 kHz | WAV | 44100 | 8 | 352 | 13.272.198 |
GSM 6.10 |
WAV | 22050 | 35 | 1.348.266 | |
GSM 6.10 44 kHz |
WAV | 44100 | 71 | 2.696.170 | |
IMA ADPCM 11 kHz |
WAV | 11025 | 4 | 44 | 1.682.280 |
IMA ADPCM 22 kHz |
WAV | 22050 | 4 | 88 | 3.340.648 |
IMA ADPCM 44 kHz |
WAV | 44100 | 4 | 176 | 6.658.408 |
Microsoft ADPCM 8 kHz | WAV | 8000 | 4 | 32 | 1.232.774 |
Microsoft ADPCM 11 kHz | WAV | 11025 | 4 | 44 | 1.698.950 |
Microsoft ADPCM 22 kHz | WAV | 22050 | 4 | 88 | 3.357.574 |
Microsoft ADPCM 44 kHz | WAV | 44100 | 4 | 176 | 6.674.822 |
Automatic conversion
Open General Settings and go to Dictation, select Automatic conversion
Here you can define the audio format of dictation files which were not created in SpeechExec and which have a format that only supports playback (.wma, MP3, etc.). To open a dictation and continue recording in these files they must be converted to a SpeechExec format which supports recording.
You can also convert dictations when you have finished recording. This is useful if you need a specific format to process the dictation within another program. For example, if you are using a speech recognition system.
The following options are available:
Convert automatically when opening a dictation
Activate this option to automatically convert the dictation file to the configured audio format (.wav, .dss or .ds2) when the dictation is opened.
Note: This option is not available in case of speech-recognizable dictations, because conversion may reduce the speech recognition quality of the files.
Click Configure to select the audio format as described below.
Convert automatically when finishing a dictation
Activate this option to automatically convert the dictation file to the configured audio format (.wav, .dss or .ds2) when the dictation is finished.
Note: This option is not available in case of speech-recognizable dictations, because conversion may reduce the speech recognition quality of the files.
Click Configure to select the audio format as described below.
Select Audio Format
Format name: The name of the audio format. For example, Philips CELP.
Extension: File name extension.
Sample rate: The sample rate is the number of samples of a sound that are taken per second to represent the event digitally. The more samples taken per second, the more accurate the digital representation of the sound can be. For example, Philips CELP: 16.000.
Bits per sample: The bits per sample for the Format tag. For example, 8 or 16.
Bitrate: Represents the amount of information, or detail, that is stored per unit of time of a recording.
File size: After conversion from the source file _SOURCE_DO_NOT_DELETE.WAV (inside the All files) with the integrated convertor.
Source file format: PCM Wave Sampling: 44100 Hz, 16 Bit per sample, 2 Channels, Bitrate1.411 kbps, Duration 5min 0s 947 ms, File size 53.087.060 bytes (53MB)
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