The PSPLOGConfigTool.exe does not support configuring logging for the DPM Mounter service, because the tool writes the configuration file to the current user’s folder and the service (usually) runs as a different user (LocalSystem)
Currently the following manual steps enable the logging in the DPM Mounter service:
- Start "Philips Speech Driver Log Tool" from start menu
- Set log level to "Detailed"
- Select all modules
- Open administrator command prompt
- Execute the following commands:
mkdir "%windir%\SYSWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Philips Speech\PSPLOG\"
xcopy /y "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Philips Speech\PSPLOG\default.toml" %windir%\SYSWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Philips Speech\PSPLOG\"
sc stop "Philips Speech DPM mounter"
sc start "Philips Speech DPM mounter"
- Execute the following commands:
- Open explorer and go to folder (probably cannot open the link directly and have to navigate manually because it needs administrator rights)
%windir%\SYSWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Philips Speech\PSPLOG\DPMMounterSvc
To disable service logging, execute the steps 1-3 but set log level to "Off"
Note: these paths assume that the service uses the default local system account.
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