1. Start SpeechExec
2. Connect your pocket memo digital dictation recorder (DPM) device to your PC
3. In SpeechExec navigate to "General Settings -> DPM/DT Configuration -> DPM Settings"
4. Select "Import/Export" from the menu
5. Export your DPM settings to your Desktop
You should now find an INI-file on your Desktop, containing the entire list of settings from your pocket memo digital dictation recorder (DPM), even those not editable within SpeechExec.
6. Open the INI-file with Notepad or any other text editor
7. Search for the entry corresponding to the record level indicator setting: "RecLevInd="
This setting is set to "0" in case the Record Level Indicator has been disabled.
8. Set it to "1" in order to reactivate the record level indicator
9. Save the changes you made to the INI-file
10. Back in SpeechExec, use the Import function to upload the modified INI-file back onto your DPM
11. Accept the changes by clicking on the "OK" button
The record level indicator should now be visible again during recordings on your DPM.
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